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Where is my computer?

Asset management is an important part of any business

Imagine the following situation. John is the owner of a successful IT company with 50 employees. One morning he comes to work, and there is no way to find a computer that he was sure had been bought last year. The computer is on the record, but he doesn't know who borrowed the computer or who is currently using it. The problem is that John needs the computer urgently to provide a new colleague employed in the company with.


This problem is not uncommon. In companies with many employees, fixed assets are constantly in use, and it's not easy to keep track of their condition and who is currently using them. How many times did it happen to you that you couldn't use the printer because it was being repaired without you knowing? Or it was necessary to procure additional equipment, i.e. tools essential for work, which was not done in time because there was "noise in communication" between departments so, no one ordered the essential equipment? Or a vehicle was being serviced without it being recorded in the system. A colleague arranged a meeting and counted on an available car when - there was no vehicle available. All of this causes difficulties and additional stress in already hectic daily work. Take the example of John from the beginning of the story. In addition to spending a lot of time detecting where the laptop is, the new employee will have to wait until being provided with the equipment. The search will also result in the negligence of some other, more important things that need to be done. It will distract other employees as well because they will have to check if the laptop is being used by someone among them. Eventually, they will see that it is already being used and will have to order a new one—all in all, a pretty lousy experience that can be avoided.

Assets management

Companies have tens, hundreds, and even thousands of different fixed assets, and it is not easy to keep track of all of them. It is not just about knowing where the equipment is all the time, but also about whether it is time to replace the equipment or service it. Neglecting the existing equipment can prove to be very bad because, in the end, it can cost us significantly to repair it, which could have been avoided by regular servicing. It doesn't matter if it's an official car, expensive equipment we use for production, or a printer used by colleagues in the office. Such a "jungle" of equipment and basic equipment data is very difficult to monitor if there is no quality system to cover it. Every company should know how the equipment is being used at any moment. An advanced e-system is ideal solution to such a challenge. A system in which it is possible to inspect when the equipment was purchased, send a request for equipment, send service requests, check which of the employees uses which part of the equipment at any time and check whether the equipment is being serviced, whether the official car is reserved, etc. In this way, resources are significantly saved, information is accurate and up-to-date, and a situation in which a particular part of production or business can be at a standstill because there are no effective means to work is avoided. The result is improved operation, a calm environment where this type of stress is not present, and of course - greater efficiency and savings!

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P.S. The mentioned John from the story has already contacted us! 😊
