Cjelovito rješenje za evidenciju radnog vremena
Rješenje za učinkovitu kontrolu pristupa
Pronađite cjelovita rješenja za upravljanje i digitalizaciju lanca opskrbe
Advantas is solution for inventory and asset management. It enables the creation of a simple and quick list of fixed assets.
For each fixed assets, data is entered that determines its group, which can be either financial group such as assets class, cost center, employee using it or physical group of data such as location, floor, building and business center.
In addition to the basic data, Advantas allows input, storage, and search of various additional data and documents related to a specific asset, such as purchase invoices, photographs, geolocation, service documents (service request, work order), transfer orders, warranty certificates and many more.
Read more in our brochure!
Unesite svoje podatke za kontakt u obrazac i u polju "Poruka" navedite svoje pitanje. Odgovorit ćemo ubrzo
Ispunite obrazac i bit ćete preusmjereni na web adresu na kojoj se nalazi .zip datoteka sa svim excel predlošcima. Predlošci će se automatski preuzeti na vaše računalo.