TOP 3 Trenda u intralogistici - LogiMAT24  •  07.05.2024. u 9h organiziramo besplatni webinar na kojem ćemo pokazati novosti, trendove i savjete koje smo dobili tijekom nedavnog posjeta najvećem svjetskom sajmu logistike - LogiMAT 2024. Prijavite se ovdje.  
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Improving business processes right before the season starts? We know how!

Hospitality WiFi thermostat
Antonija Tušek

With another tourist season approaching, which is by all odds going to be just as challenging as the previous two, considering what to do to improve our business processes sounds like a good idea. Despite the conflicts, pandemic, energy resources scarcity and other problems the society could be facing, our offer must constantly expand as trends are changing year to year and we must act accordingly. As stable and temping maintaining the status quo seems, it still refers to not making progress which won't result in additional growth or greater satisfaction.
In order to be better than the competition, to invest wisely and to implement smart solutions, we must bring smart decisions, and SMART method is a good starting point for the most efficient outcomes.
SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Our goals must be:

  1. Specific (simple, we need to clearly define what do we want)
  2. Measurable (we need to have a progress indicator)
  3. Achievable (we need to make sure that it is in our power to accomplish our goals)
  4. Relevant and realistic (the goal is result oriented)
  5. Time-bound (time frame for achieving the goals, deadline)

It's easier said than done, therefore we propose a SMART goal that should be set by every hotel owner to get instant results and significantly improve business processes. We offer you a solution and it is up to you whether you are going to apply it to your business processes.

Hospitality thermostat connectivity

1. Specific goal

Your goal needs to be clear and specific, otherwise, you won’t be able to neither focus your efforts nor truly feel motivated to accomplish it.

Let installation of the EOS device be your goal for the upcoming season. EOS is a not-just-another thermostat. It is an innovative solution including a cloud-based energy management system, IoT hub (controller; Internet of Things) and environmental fusion sensor, all in one device. It is controlled via WiFi and what the most important is, it reduces the required hardware components and project costs and proves to be efficient in retrofit environments.

2. Measurable

Measurable goals enable us to track the progress and see the results quickly, so that we can stay motivated and focused.
Electricity cost reduction will show the results soon after the implementation of the EOS device. HVAC and lighting are controlled based on the information about room occupancy and door and window open/close state. Environmental fusion sensor provides increased accuracy of the collected data and therefore higher efficiency of energy management. Based on analysis of data from eight different sensors, it makes crucial decisions resulting in measurable savings.

3. Achievable

In order to succeed, your goal needs to be realistic and attainable.
According to this statement, EOS is a certain step toward success. We are not trying to show off, in fact, we are just being realistic. This device is designed to be easily installed in both new-build and retrofit properties. It is compatible with all major back box standards meaning that wall demolition and cabling laying is just not necessary for the installation of this device. It is enough to connect the device that will connect to the cloud-based software and we will make sure it matches your interior design. In addition, it is offered at an affordable price, with performances at the 5+ star level.

4. Relevant

This step refers to ensuring that your goal aligns with your priorities and that it is coordinated with other relevant goals.
EOS is the most integrated hospitality IoT solution covering all the relevant wireless standards: BLE, ZigBee, Thread, 802.15.4, WiFi and enabling almost unlimited in-room connectivity. It can be integrated with hotel locks and property management system software, but also with many other solutions and software for further improvement of functionalities. EOS is both an aesthetic accessory and a functional solution that will automatically raise the value of the whole property and improve your business processes. To us, it seems exceptionally relevant.

5. Time-bound

Every goal needs a target date, a time frame that enables you to stay focused and apply the discipline necessary.
 Contact us

Act now! Contact us by clicking on the link and start your SMART change (or even better, EOS change), which will automatically improve your business processes and ensure a carefree, innovative, bold and creative summer for you and your guests.
